
Tips and Tutorials for Laravel, WordPress, VueJS, React, and straight PHP. Learn how to make web apps using Laravel, themes, and plugins with WordPress and front-end components using VueJS.

Coding · 1 MIN READ

When Random Isn’t Random Enough

I use to play online poker a lot, but lately not so much. Mostly because the sites really took a hit since Black Friday. Getting to see how the original shuffle algorithms work is awesome, albeit a little disturbing when you see how exploitable they used to be. I do believe this has changed, and […]

Coding · 1 MIN READ

The Creative Process

Matt DuVall has written a great post about the creative process. My favorite piece is his breakdown of feelings a developer or designer go through during the creative process. The Creative Process This is awesome This is tricky This is shit I am shit This might be ok This is awesome

Coding · 1 MIN READ

PHP Tip: When to use the alternative syntax

I use PHP shorthand syntax all the time when working with html templates with embedded PHP. I find the syntax much cleaner then having a bunch of closing brackets in my WordPress or Laravel template files. I came across a tweet the other day from @csswizardry regarding his negative view on the PHP shorhand sytax.

Coding · 1 MIN READ

Make your API Simple for Developers

Brian Mulloy, who is one of the developers for Apigee gave a great presentation on API design principles. I suggest checking this out, whether you are a API developer or not.

Coding · 3 MIN READ

Staying off Stack Overflow

I spent a lot of time programming over the holidays. I was doing mostly PHP programming using the CodeIgniter framework, but I also spent some time delving into Ruby and the Rails framework.