Business Strategy

Running a business is hard and you shouldn’t do it alone. Join the journey to business mastery and learn from the successes and the failures.

Employees punch it out after successful meeting
Business Strategy · 7 MIN READ

5 Employees that are Putting Your Business at Risk

Trouble employees do much more damage to a business than great employees do good. Employees are the driving force of your business. If they are motivated and given the right direction, they can move mountains. They can also destroy those mountains, faster then they were ever built up.

Business Strategy · 3 MIN READ

My Two Year Outlook

Today I turn 34. I’m ok with this, as I’ve never really been subconscious about my age. I recently read about an exercise in a book, that laid out a different way of setting goals. The idea is to write 500 words of how you want your life to look in 2 years. Then work every day […]

Business Strategy · 1 MIN READ

Why Profit Matters

I’ve been seeing an increasing number of founders discussing metrics like users, conversion rate, MRR (monthly recurring revenue). Missing from these metrics is profitability. A business’s goal is to make a profit. You may run the business for lifestyle reasons, financial reasons. However, if your business is not turning a profit, you won’t be in […]

Business Strategy · 2 MIN READ

Instapaper and Value Online

Everyone has an idea. Most of them are bad ideas, mixed with a few good ideas, and every once and a while a great idea. The problem is, online our ideas often are hard to monetize. Xmarks (formerly Foxmarks) was a great idea, a service I both loved and used, and they will soon be […]