
Tips and Tutorials for Laravel, WordPress, VueJS, React, and straight PHP. Learn how to make web apps using Laravel, themes, and plugins with WordPress and front-end components using VueJS.

Github React Page Overview
Coding · 2 MIN READ

Removing .DS_Store files from Git

There is nothing more frustrating to a developer than looking at their brand new repository, pushed with a fresh new project. Then you see one. Then two…three…more!

PHP Initials Code Snapshot
Coding · 4 MIN READ

Generate Perfect Initials using PHP

Update March 26, 2022I’ve updated this to be compliant with UTF-8 characters. Most of the web apps you use have a placeholder image for your avatar. If the app is using Gravatar to generate the avatars, you will get the mystery man if no user exists. Applications like Trello take it to the next level […]

Coding · 4 MIN READ

In Response to #NoTDD

I follow people online who write in a variety of different languages, using a wide variety of platforms. One of the blogs I follow is the MSDN blog. This can be a great source of information of upcoming web standards, or even new platforms Microsoft is trying out. I don’t always agree with everything I […]

Coding · 2 MIN READ

Hide Widgets on Specific WordPress Pages

The new reader centric version of my website launched last night. When I was setting up the new home and about page views, I needed to hide a widget. Normally there is a brief “about me” widget on most pages. This widget allows visitors who came directly to a page or article to learn more […]

Coding · 4 MIN READ

Server Sent Events using Laravel and Vue

Recently I was working on a new project, where I had to stream stock data and display it on a chart. My first instinct was to setup a loop using setTimeout, but I quickly realized that wouldn’t work for my exact needs. Stock prices change so frequently, often happening several times a second. Doing an ajax […]

Coding · 3 MIN READ

The Massive Benefits of Type Hinting

Type hinting is one of those arguments that every developer eventually get’s pulled into. More often then not, the anti-type hinters will win the argument with their standard go-to argument, “it makes the method less flexible”.  Let me explain why type hinting makes your code no less “flexible” then it was before.