Author: Chris Blackwell

Plan your year with September resolutions
Business Strategy · 4 MIN READ

September Resolutions

Today is September 1st, which many people consider the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Summer is for relaxing, hanging out with friends, and enjoying the great outdoors. When September comes around, the kids return to school, and it’s time for the adults to focus on work.

Kinsta WordPress Hosting
Technology · 5 MIN READ

Kinsta WordPress Hosting – 5 Features You Need

As a WordPress enthusiast, I’m often asked which WordPress hosting provider I would recommend. The truth is several of them for various reasons. Five features make Kinsta my go-to platform over other hosting providers. I’m going to go over each of them so you can get a good comparison of Kinsta vs WP Engine.

Remember Why You Started Sign Sitting on Shelf
Business Strategy · 7 MIN READ

Motivation vs Discipline

Have you ever woken up and just couldn’t get motivated to do the things that were most important for you? We all feel a lack of motivation at times. So why do some people seem always to be delivering great work? How are they keeping themselves motivated all the time?

Spiderman Reading
Reading · 7 MIN READ

Five Tips to Create a Daily Reading Habit

I have a love-hate relationship with reading. I love what reading gives me, and yet I get anxious about all the books I haven’t read. My “to-read” list is about 3 times as long as my “read” list, and I’ve read hundreds of books. I recently dedicated myself to making sure I was reading consistently […]