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Coding · 2 MIN READ

Hide Widgets on Specific WordPress Pages

The new reader centric version of my website launched last night. When I was setting up the new home and about page views, I needed to hide a widget. Normally there is a brief “about me” widget on most pages. This widget allows visitors who came directly to a page or article to learn more […]

Apple · 1 MIN READ

Marco Arment on the New Mac Pro

Apple blew everyone out of the water a couple weeks ago with the news that they were working on a new Mac Pro along with a Pro screen. I am very excited for this new machine, and I’ve been holding off on buying a new Mac desktop until I saw some major improvements. Marco Arment has now […]

Coding · 4 MIN READ

Server Sent Events using Laravel and Vue

Recently I was working on a new project, where I had to stream stock data and display it on a chart. My first instinct was to setup a loop using setTimeout, but I quickly realized that wouldn’t work for my exact needs. Stock prices change so frequently, often happening several times a second. Doing an ajax […]

Reading · 4 MIN READ

February Reading List

This month’s Reading List is a bit of a short one. I got sick twice in February, along with it being a short month. I know a lot of people that read a lot when they get sick. I don’t know how they do it. When I’m sick, my brain turns off, and the Netflix […]

Reading · 6 MIN READ

January Reading List

The Monthly Reading List is something new that I am starting. At the beginning of each month, I will write about all the books I read in the previous month. This includes all Non-Fiction and Fiction alike.

Coding · 3 MIN READ

The Massive Benefits of Type Hinting

Type hinting is one of those arguments that every developer eventually get’s pulled into. More often then not, the anti-type hinters will win the argument with their standard go-to argument, “it makes the method less flexible”.  Let me explain why type hinting makes your code no less “flexible” then it was before.